Be Compleat

Sports nutritionist

Ola Malinowska

At Be Compleat, I participate in the development of the innovative platform for dietitians Alloweat and prepare diet-related content for social networks.

I graduated from Food Technology and Human Nutrition and Dietetics at the Agricultural University in Cracow, as well as Ethics – Mediation and Negotiation at the Pedagogical University in Cracow.

I am most interested in sports dietetics, as well as nutrition for physically active people and those eliminating animal products.

Sport accompanies me throughout my life and is an important part of it, as is travel. Both take care of my daily dose of adrenaline and new experiences. I can confidently say that taking on more challenges is my hobby. This applies to both my personal and professional life. I want to infect others with my passion for physical activity and cooking (or rather, eating), showing them how to enjoy life more through healthy habits.


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